Our dive facility features a state-of-the-art heated pool, showers, lockers, changing facilities, dive gear and a very attentive staff.
$634.00 (Includes; books, PIC card, photo, mouthpiece, & rental) Plus Taxes
Open Water fees are not included in class cost. (The Crater, Belmont, ect.) These fees are to be paid by customer.
Includes: Books, Photo, PIC Card, Equipment Rental (Tank, BCD, Regulator, Wetsuit, etc.)
NOTE: Students need to purchase or rent ($30.00) personal gear (Mask, Fins, Snorkel, Boots).
* If you choose to rent and then purchase a mask, fin, snorkel, and/or boots; at the end of the class, you can apply your rental fee towards your purchase (up to 30 days after class ends).
The course meets 2 times a week for 3 weeks from 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm (for 5 classes) and includes all materials such as books, testing, dive tables, adventure logs starter pack, ID Card with photo, BCD, regulator, and weights.
You must be at least 10 years of age to participate in this program. You will need to rent, own, or purchase a mask, fin, snorkel and booties.
In the PADI Open Water Dive Course your PADI instructor takes you through the basics of learning how to scuba dive. You will start your adventure in our pool located at our dive center and progress to the open water obtaining the knowledge and background you will need along the way.
The Open Water PADI Certification creates a solid foundation in the diving world. As a certified diver new and unparalleled adventures await creating exciting opportunities opening a door to more advanced training and certifications.
$593.00 plus sales tax
Includes: Books, Photo, PIC Card
NOTE: Students need to purchase or rent ($75.00) all equipment.with the exeption * if you choose to use a dry suit during advanced their is a additional fee
This course requires Open Water PADI Certification first. This course meets for 1 night at the pool then we meet at the lake for 5 dives over 2 days.
You must own or rent your equipment. As part of the Advanced Open Water PADI Certification you will have the opportunity to participate in advanced specialty activities.
You will select three additional dives in addition to the 2 required dives to complete the course with a total number of 5 dives which can include:
* altitude
*Peak performance buoyancy
*Enriched air (Nitrox
*And many more
Includes: Books, Photo, PIC Card
NOTE: Students need to buy or rent all equipment.
(Rental is $75.00 and is Not incuded in class price)
This course requires PADI Advanced and Open Water Certifications first. Since Rescue Diver Certification is a specialty course prior registration is required.
Considered to be one of the most challenging in diving courses it is also one of the most rewarding. The PADI rescue dive course is designed for the diver who wants to be able to handle an accident if it were to occur. It is also a prerequisite for those who would like to become a diving professional or Dive Master. You must have a First Aid Certificate within the last 2 years.
Material include Books, ID card with photo, and you must own or rent all equipment for this course.
The Course covers the following arenas:
Includes: Books, Card, and Certification Form.
As an EMERGENCY FIRST RESPONDER you will be trained on how to handle emergency situations and activating the EMS system. Materials include Books and EFR Certificate.
This Course will cover:
Includes: Crew pack, Books, Photo, & Slates
Does NOT Include Fees Paid to PADI.
NOTE: Students need to purchase or rent all equipment. call for rental price on this course
Known as the elite diving world, allowing you to write your own ticket to endless adventures. The Dive Master PADI Certification places you in a class of distinction that separates you from all other certifications. This is a reserved course and treated as a mentoring class and could take up to 12 months to complete depending on how much effort the student is willing to put in to the coures Materials include books, ID card with photo, slates and training materials. At least 5 PADI specialty diver certifications are required to start the DIVE MASTER program. You will also need to have logged at least 40 dives to start this course.
Does not include rental fees.
This specialty course is a reserved course and provides training at depths beyond that of OPEN WATER and ADVANCED OPEN WATER certifications. These are two tank dives that require strict decompression protocols and training. Materials include books, ID card with photo and certificate. Three dives are required to complete this course. You can use one of your advanced dives toward this course. You will be taught how to become aware of the deep environment while observing all safety protocols and procedures.
This course is a reserved course and deals with higher oxygen levels in you breathing air. Materials include books, testing and ID card with photo. You will be required to attend 1 class session at the dive center.
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You too can shoot pictures underwater. This course requires 1 class and one weekend of diving.
Required: Must own or rent your own camera.
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Three dives are required to complete this course. You can use one of your advanced dives for this course. Night diver teaches you to become aware of the night environment while underwater and with direct supervision.
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Learn to develop the knowledge and theories of dive tables, dive computer, multi-level diving with the wheel and modern dive computers. One class at the dive center and 2 dives are required at open water site.
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You will learn the proper assembly, handling, and use of a DPV. One Class and 2 dives are required at open water site.
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Requires 2 dives at the open water site. The course is designed to help you trim weight from your weight belt or BCD so you can enjoy diving more allowing you to become more streamline while protecting the underwater environment. This is a must course for any level of diver.
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This course requires 2 dives at the open water site. Develop theoretical knowledge of no decompression dives at altitudes of up to 10,000 feet.
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This course requires 4 dives with a special introduction to safe and supervised search and recovery class. Students will perform simple search and recovery related tasks and learn to perform important search and recovery skills.
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This course requires 2 dives of which you will learn and develop practical knowledge of underwater navigation using compass and natural navigation techniques.
Doug Gilbert, Owner, Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Doug has loved diving since his first dive in 1979 and it has just gotten better and better every year. Doug and his wife, Lynnette, opened Adventure West Scuba in May of 2007, so they could share their love of diving with everyone. Doug also enjoys camping, boating, fishing, and woodworking. He enjoys traveling with his wife and their two children, Andy and Heather. His favorite place to dive is Hawaii.
Craig Guerrero, Open Water Scuba Instructor
Craig grew up in California and loves the ocean. He began working for Adventure West Scuba shortly after they opened and then became open water certified and then instantly fell in love with the sport and now wants to share his passion with everyone. He enjoys teaching and helping people get out to their comfort zones. He has been an instructor for 7 years and loves what he does and it shows! He loves sharks and night diving. Craig is multilingual , speaking English, Spanish and a little Italian. He hopes to dive his dream location Rangiroa, French Polynesia, but his current favorite is the Channel Islands.
Rachelle Sidwell, Open Water Scuba Instructor
Rachelle grew up in Morgan, Utah and from the time she was three she developed a great love for the ocean. Growing up, her dad called her "the fish" because she always wanted to be swimming, no matter what body of water it was. She signed up to do the open water diver class the day she turned 12 (that was the minimum age or it would've been sooner). She has been an avid diver for 23 years now and loves every minute! After spending some years working with animals at zoos and aquariums from Chicago to Logan, Utah, she decided to settle back into Logan and start her journey to teaching Scuba! She loves teaching, and also loves learning from the students every day. Give this girl a body of water, and she'll dive it!
Tina Rigdon, Open Water Scuba Instructor
Tina believes that being able to teach allows her to share her love for water. After 22+years of diving, she can't imagine her life without scuba diving, her "My liquid silence". She loves being a scuba and swimming instructor because she gets to be someone's first, time and time again, day after day, and that to her, is a very special thing. She loves being able to guide students from the initial nervousness to being confident in the water. Her favorite quote is "the sea, once it cast its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever", Jacques Yves Cousteau.
Russ Garcia , Is a new addition to the shop and we will be adding more info latter on so stay tuned
Brent Winn, Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Brent is from Price, Utah. He has been diving since 2011 and received his instructor in the Red Sea, Egypt in 2014. Brent is a certified instructor for more than 20 different specialties. He has been an instructor with Adventure West Scuba since 2014, Brent enjoys teaching at Adventure West Scuba because he is not just an employee but a part of the family. Brent wasn't able to dive when he was younger due to health and ear problems, but one day one of his ear tubes fell out and the doctor cleared him for diving, and he has been in the water ever since. Brent has visited Hawaii, Brazil, Egypt, but his favorite place to dive is Catalina in a drysuit surrounded by the kelp forests.
1875 E Skyline Drive
South Ogden, UT 84403