Adventure West Scuba wants everyone to have the opportunity to give SCUBA a try. We realize that while SCUBA may not be for everyone, everyone should at least be provided the opportunity to try this unique experience in a safe and controlled environment.
You will be amazed how easy and fun it is, and will enjoy sharing this experience with all of your family and friends. For this reason Adventure West Scuba offers entry level swimming and scuba discovery courses that can help you with your decision to become a PADI certified diver.
$70.00 per person
ATTENTION, we require all Discover Scuba students to purchase a $10 mouthpiece because of COVID. Thank you.
A brief introductory course to the world of SCUBA allows you to actually don Scuba equipment. The class actually consists of a brief orientation covering equipment features and safety procedures usually lasting about 1 hour. After the basics have been covered participants can dive in our pool with certified Dive Masters or Instructors to assist them. This course is highly recommended for those thinking about becoming certified and gives you a clear picture of what SCUBA entails. You will need a swimsuit and towel for this course.
Doug Gilbert, Owner, Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Doug has loved diving since his first dive in 1979 and it has just gotten better and better every year. Doug and his wife, Lynnette, opened Adventure West Scuba in May of 2007, so they could share their love of diving with everyone. Doug also enjoys camping, boating, fishing, and woodworking. He enjoys traveling with his wife and their two children, Andy and Heather. His favorite place to dive is Hawaii.
Craig Guerrero, Open Water Scuba Instructor
Craig grew up in California and loves the ocean. He began working for Adventure West Scuba shortly after they opened and then became open water certified and then instantly fell in love with the sport and now wants to share his passion with everyone. He enjoys teaching and helping people get out to their comfort zones. He has been an instructor for 7 years and loves what he does and it shows! He loves sharks and night diving. Craig is multilingual , speaking English, Spanish and a little Italian. He hopes to dive his dream location Rangiroa, French Polynesia, but his current favorite is the Channel Islands.
Rachelle Sidwell, Open Water Scuba Instructor
Rachelle grew up in Morgan, Utah and from the time she was three she developed a great love for the ocean. Growing up, her dad called her "the fish" because she always wanted to be swimming, no matter what body of water it was. She signed up to do the open water diver class the day she turned 12 (that was the minimum age or it would've been sooner). She has been an avid diver for 23 years now and loves every minute! After spending some years working with animals at zoos and aquariums from Chicago to Logan, Utah, she decided to settle back into Logan and start her journey to teaching Scuba! She loves teaching, and also loves learning from the students every day. Give this girl a body of water, and she'll dive it!
Tina Rigdon, Open Water Scuba Instructor
Tina believes that being able to teach allows her to share her love for water. After 22+years of diving, she can't imagine her life without scuba diving, her "My liquid silence". She loves being a scuba and swimming instructor because she gets to be someone's first, time and time again, day after day, and that to her, is a very special thing. She loves being able to guide students from the initial nervousness to being confident in the water. Her favorite quote is "the sea, once it cast its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever", Jacques Yves Cousteau.
Russ Garcia , Is a new addition to the shop and we will be adding more info latter on so stay tuned
Brent Winn, Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Brent is from Price, Utah. He has been diving since 2011 and received his instructor in the Red Sea, Egypt in 2014. Brent is a certified instructor for more than 20 different specialties. He has been an instructor with Adventure West Scuba since 2014, Brent enjoys teaching at Adventure West Scuba because he is not just an employee but a part of the family. Brent wasn't able to dive when he was younger due to health and ear problems, but one day one of his ear tubes fell out and the doctor cleared him for diving, and he has been in the water ever since. Brent has visited Hawaii, Brazil, Egypt, but his favorite place to dive is Catalina in a drysuit surrounded by the kelp forests.
1875 E Skyline Drive
South Ogden, UT 84403